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Bringing Bonsai to Netflix

A group of people stand on a big balcony and smile while holding the bonsai trees they made at the workshop

Thursday, July 11th, Daniel was invited to teach a beginning Chinese elm class for a fantastic team at Netflix in Hollywood. We brought the trees, soil, tools, wire, pots and a copy each of Daniel's book, Netflix provided lunch and refreshments. Bonsai is a great way to bring a team together! Bonsai workshops:

- Boost Employee Morale

Team members benefit from an enjoyable group experience.- Build Relationships Team members will see each other in a new way. Work relationships form, collaboration improves.

a man laughing as he sits behind his elm bonsai
Bonsai can make for a great break from the workday

-Encourage Creativity 

Foster free-flowing conversations within a team of individuals more inclined to voice their out-of-the-box ideas and generate innovation.

-Increase Zen focus

Employees learn how to be fully present, aware, open; allowing outside distractions and interruptions to pass in order to stay focused and productive.

-Create Connections

Bring together people from all levels and departments of the company, leading to a more collaborative and collegial work environment.-Reduce StressProvide your employees with a break that fosters a refreshed ability to work at their best in challenging situations.

A man and a woman work on elm bonsai.
Teams grow stronger

-Strengthen Teams

Engaging in Seven Reflections on Bonsai whilstworking with bonsai improves problem-solving ability, enhances communication skills, and develops a sense of camaraderie among team members.

-Engage & Retain team members

Work with bonsai is also working with one's self. Your team will each leave with a beautiful tree they created and will be self-actualized, stronger, and more confident.

A group of 5 men and women reading Daniels book and smiling.
Each student received a copy of Daniel's book

Students brought varying levels of skill and experience to the board room table. Each student chose their own tree, and worked under Daniel's instruction to trim and style each elm.

A woman in a brown coat chooses a bonsai tree from a white wall.
Choosing a tree

Confidence levels rose as students engaged with their tree, learning what to keep and what to cut away. At first, they were hesitant to remove leaves and branches, but as time went on, they found that knowing what to let go of mattered just as much as knowing what to keep.

A man in a leopard print shirt uses a chopstick to help pot an elm bonsai

Mid way through class, the room calmed; zen focus grew and with it came ease, relaxation and full engagement working with the trees. Check out these focused bonsai practitioners!

A bald man in a black shirt inspects his work on his elm bonsai

A woman in a black cardigan trims her elm bonsai

A blond woman in sunglasses working on a bonsai

Three men around a table working on bonsai. In the background, a man is on his phone

Four women sitting around a table working on elm bonsai

A woman in a black and white striped  pullover trims an elm bonsai

Our sincerest thanks to Netflix for inviting us to bring the art of Bonsai to your team! We can't wait to return!

Danile Deephouse posing with a student, his book and her new elm bonsai
Daniel at Netflix


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